Learn about the Cerulean Warbler, endangered in Indiana, and vulnerable in other states. This species represents a typical problem for song birds, and helps readers learn how we study the birds and what can e done to help these beautiful animals.
The story features Alyssa, a young girl who gets to see firsthand the role of scientific research in protecting the Cerulean Warbler. Illustrator Sami Pfaff has brought Alyssa to life in the images in the book. Photographs of the birds and the researchers also add to the story. Come find out more about these birds and Alyssa's experience! Illustrations by Sami Pfaff Art Director - Barbara Giorgio-Booher Graphic Designer - Brooke Gabrek Additional Artwork - Sierra Hensley Content Consultants - Dr. Kamal Islam, Clayton Delancey, Claire Nemes, and Garrett MacDonald ISBN #978-0-9863369-3-5
NGSS Standards
The content and activities in this book are aligned with the following elements from the Next Generation Science Standards:
Science & Engineering Practices
Constructing explanations & designing solutions Engaging in argument from evidence Developing & using models Crosscutting Concepts
Patterns Cause & effect Systems & system models Interde The production of this book involved trips to the researcher's field sites. Both the author and the illustrators used these shadowing activities to get ideas for the story, research the facts included in the text, and sketch illustrations that reflect the field sites accurately. The images below show some of those activities, including some close-up meetings with birds and even an encounter with a copperhead. We hope the field work adds to the authenticity of the Conservation Tales series.
Sami's illustrations were done with acrylic gouache on Bristol board. |