The Gulf Coast Series Team
The 2018, a small group of education majors began work on a revision of some of the Conservation Tales books, editing the stories for Pre-K to 2nd grade children. This series may grow to include other volumes in the coming years. Meet our team who helped create the books! |
Megan Reneker studied Elementary Educator at Ball State. Megan helped develop and lead outreach activities and has contributed to the planning of the Elephant and Giraffe books. She is also helped plan the Junior series in Fall 2018 before starting her student teaching semester. Megan brings an interest in education about the environment and has taken part in some international travel to support education and service missions. |
Alaina Page, an Early Childhood Education major with a Special Education concentration, worked on the team to develop and facilitate outreach activities and begin the planning of the Giraffe and Elephant books. She also revised the text of a previous book to produce "Conservation Tales Junior: Bats," for primary grade children. Alaina has a minor in Natural Resources and Environmental Management.
Jessica Bockover studies Elementary Education and Special Education. She is the lead author of Conservation Tales Junior: Bees, and she helped to develop outreach programs and leads education activities with the Conservation Tales Team. Jessica has a strong interest in animals and environmental issues.
Natalie Rokosz has been a graphic designer on many Conservation Tales projects, including both of the Junior Series books. Her work also includes the Conservation Tales logo, designs for stickers, an identify manual, educational resources and marketing materials. She has contributed to the Midwest, Gulf Coast and Africa Series, and served as a project manager in Spring 2019. Natalie now works for a major marketing firm in Chicago, but continues to support Conservation Tales in its fundraising efforts. To contact Natalie or learn more about her work, click one of the icons below.